#TBTBSanta // pt. ii

i was having a fairly horrible day when i got a huge package at my doorstep. looking closer, i see it’s covered in little drawings – including “#TBTBSanta.” ohmygod. i bring it inside and rip it open. nicely wrapped presents everywhere. i can’t handle my excitement. ohmygod.


the excitement is too real (so real that i keep using the word “excitement”). i should wait until christmas to open these, but i cave in and suddenly wrapping paper is in shreds around me. oops.

the reveal is here! my secret santa is jenna does books! she is the nicest person ever and thinking about her gifts make me want to cry happy tears. she definitely made my day (and the rest of this year). please go check out her blog because jenna is fabulous.

unwrapped in all it’s glory!

books included:

other things included:

  • a nutcracker! (super fitting)
  • mechanical pencils
  • chocolate ♥
  • a cute box with a cute quote (happy tears)
  • a pen shaped like a cat
  • skittles
  • a picture frame in a shape of an easel
  • bookish things (bookmarks, postcard, angelic rune tattoo..)

heart-eye emoji everywhere. i cannot wait to read all the books! (guilty: i already ate some of the chocolate.) now i want to pick out more gifts for the person i’m sending books to! i’ll make sure to take pictures and blog about my gifts to her. i might even reveal who she is! (but only after christmas). anyway, my thoughts on life right now:

happy squealing



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3 thoughts on “#TBTBSanta // pt. ii

  1. i cannot believe I didn’t actually make the ballet-Nutcracker-ballet-Nutcracker…DUH! connection until you mentioned it above. What a happy coincidence!! I am so glad that my gifts could bring a smile to your face. And this post brought a smile to mine. 🙂

    I also wanted to let you know that you have unintentionally inspired my 7 uear old daughter. She has been taking dance since she was 3, and just now started ballet earlier this year. I showed her all your instagram photos and you should have seen her fave. She is on pins and needles waiting for the day she can start pointe. Though that’s a ling, long ways off, she’ll likely remeber your photos!

    You are a beautiful, talented dancer! Good luck in your pursuits and have a happy holiday!!


  2. I cannot believe I didn’t actually make the ballet-Nutcracker-ballet-Nutcracker…DUH! connection until you mentioned it above. What a happy coincidence!! I am so glad that my gifts could bring a smile to your face. And this post brought a smile to mine. 🙂

    I also wanted to let you know that you have unintentionally inspired my 7 uear old daughter. She has been taking dance since she was 3, and just now started ballet earlier this year. I showed her all your instagram photos and you should have seen her fave. She is on pins and needles waiting for the day she can start pointe. Though that’s a ling, long ways off, she’ll likely remeber your photos!

    You are a beautiful, talented dancer! Good luck in your pursuits and have a happy holiday!!


    • thank you to infinity and beyond! it makes me so happy to know your daughter is excited for ballet. (and i’ve somehow sparked the enthusiasm. what?!) nowadays most people like hiphop or jazz – which is great too, but ballet is not as appreciated anymore. yay for spreading love in the classical arts!

      i hope you and your family have a fantastic holiday!! thank you, again! ❤


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